2024 Race for Inclusion - Jacksonville



Dear Champions,

Thanks so much for supporting PwC in the Special Olympics Florida Race for Inclusion!

You’re helping us create communities of acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) all across the state. Special Olympics Florida serves over 70,000 athletes with ID, providing sports programs, health screenings, and leadership training.

Its mission is to ensure people with ID receive the respect and opportunities they deserve. Your generosity makes that possible and helps Special Olympics athletes live richer, fuller lives.

Click DONATE NOW to help us reach our goal! And feel free to leave a note on our page telling us why you’re a Champion for inclusion!

If you prefer to mail a check, please send to:

Special Olympics Florida
Attn: Jacksonville Race for Inclusion
40 East Adams Street, S120

Jacksonville, FL 32202

 *Please note where you would like your donation credited by denoting the Team Name 'PwC' or Individual Name on your donation check

Thank you!


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